This is the personal website of me, Carter Ellis!
I am still developing this site and a few other somewhat-related things, so make sure to regulary check back here to see what's going on. Thanks for coming here in the first place, by the way. Right now, is mostly barren, but you can find a list of future features below:
- the Carter Ellis Wiki
- a system of pages where you can find a bunch of information about a bunch of random things that I feel like including. Also potentially to be used to store files that I want to keep and don't trust Google to protect.
- IEEE Citation Helper
- this is an actually useful app that is under development. IEEE citations are annoying, and my least favorite part is having to correctly order the citations at the end of the paper, because putting them in chronological order is annoying. will soon have a page where you can upload a PDF of a completed paper with the citations in any order and have the site automatically order the citations page for you.
- Minecraft server management page
- I'm also developing a Docker image for running a Fabric Minecraft server that will work with Geyser and Floodgate, and this page will allow players to connect to it by adding them to the whitelist and also contain information about how to operate similar Minecraft servers.
- hosting?
- eventually, I want to be able to host other people's static sites (like my cisc106 final project) through this domain. By "people" I mean my friends so if you're interested hit me up
Let me know if you have any ideas for this site! I bought this domain for seven dollars at one in the morning, so I don't exactly have an amazing idea of what to do here. Have a great day!